序号 |
名 称 |
作者 |
时 间 |
发表刊物/出版社 |
1 |
Multi‐Objective Fuzzy‐Optimization Control Strategy of Rotor Converter for Doubly‐Fed Induction Generators under Grid Voltage Unbalance |
张文娟 |
201810 |
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
2 |
High-Precision Lens-Less Flow Cytometer on a Chip |
方元 |
201805 |
Micromachines |
3 |
磁链微分反馈的双馈风力发电机无速度传感器控制 |
张文娟 |
201712 |
电机与控制学报 |
4 |
An on-chip instrument for white blood cells classification based on a lens-less shadow imaging technique |
方元 |
201703 |
PLOS One |
5 |
Modeling and Analysis of Complex Pipe Network Taking into Account the Vulnerability of Pipe Network |
韩芝侠 |
201706 |
6 |
Super-Resolution Lensless Imaging of Cells Using Brownian Motion |
方元 |
201905 |
Applied Sciences |
7 |
Multi-objective Fuzzy-optimization of Crowbar Resistances for the Low-Voltage Ride-through of Doubly Fed Induction Wind Turbine Generation Systems. |
张文娟 |
201507 |
Journal of Power Electronics |
8 |
基于转子串联电阻的双馈风力发电机低电压穿越 |
张文娟 |
201512 |
电力自动化设备 |
9 |
Video Compression Algorithm Based on Mathematical Morphology |
王晓利 |
201606 |
Tecnica de la Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad del Zulia |
10 |
LED ring array light source design and uniform illumination properties analysis |
王晓利 |
201704 |
Optik |